
Friday 20 May 2016

come on, vogue

Many of you will know if your a fashion fanatic like me that it is British Vogue's Centenary year. One of the amazing events they had planned for this year was an exhibition at the national portrait gallery.

 I went today and it was amazing! It featured magazine shoots with Cara Delevingne, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana and of course the gorgeous Kate Middleton. It was rammed today as on Sunday it is the last day that it is in the Gallery, so cancel all plans this weekend and head down there now. I should get commission the amount I publicised Vogue, only joking, you've got to actually be a good blogger for that! 

The exhibition follows the different decades and follows how fashion has changed. There is a massive room full of different covers, one from every year! Some of my favourite included 'The Millennium Issue', Vogue's diamond jubilee issue and a memorial cover for Princess Diana. It featured the very first issue which was published in September 1916, there are only three known copies in the world. 

Vogue has earned the title of the Fashion Bible for so many women out there and is now so much more then just a Fashion Magazine.
  The Centenary Issue of Vogue is now available featuring Kate Middleton.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

I'm back!

Hey guys, so I'm back! Any of you's that have either studied A-Levels or who are currently studying them will know it is very stressful, hence why I haven't been able to write! AS exams are coming up and I have my media exam Thursday so I should probably revising but you're suppose to have breaks every now and again right? It is now my promise that I will try my very best to write at least two blog posts a month. I love writing and its quite annoying that I don't get to do it as much any more so this is my half-year resolution (is that even a thing? I don't know). So what have you missed? I went to the aquarium with my boyfriend for the first time ever! If you've never been then you really have to. I also started my driving lessons so if you live in Essex you better watch out. Had way too many takeaways and gone out way too much, but I'm back now!

New post will be up by the end of the week!

Love Ya'll x

Sunday 17 January 2016

Equal Pay

If you have read my other blog posts (and I don't mind if you haven't!) then you will know that I am a feminist, no that doesn't mean I believe women are and should be seen as better then men and it doesn't mean that I hate men! Femminism is the belief that women and men should be seen as equals. I think a lot of people get confused with what it means to be a Feminist and is perhaps why some men (and women!) do not wan t to associate with the name.

I recently watched a film called 'Made In Dagenham' no before you ask it is not the Essex version of 'Made In Chelsea' that is called TOWIE my loves. This film is set in the late 60's when a mother of two who worked in the Ford Factory in Dagenham stood up for equal pay for women. The film is truly inspirational but at the same time it is quite hard to believe that it took our country and other countries to make it law that women should be given equal pay as men do. We have all heard of the Suffragette's and the amazing campaign and hard work that they put in to get us the right to vote, to me they were the first group of feminists of our country. At the same time we all think of this as history it happened a hundred years ago, to think that the right for equal pay was only made law 50 years ago when my nan was only 20 just doesn't seem right to me. The fight that these women put up is truly inspirational to me and I will forever look up to them and be grateful for what they have given me. If you haven't seen the film before it is currently available on BBC IPlayer, I highly recommend you watch it.

The film urged me to look at what has happened after they won their fight. In May of 1970 the Equal Pay Act was made Law (Hooray!). But what shocked me more is when I found an article posted by ELLE Magazine on equal pay today. I found some shocking statistics... Firstly that Women make up 47% of the UK workforce so just under half. Men who worked full time earned £558 per week in April compared with £462 for women, so in an average month men were being paid £2,232 a month and women were being paid £1,848 a month. Furthermore ELLE discovered that 'Over the last decade, a male graduate could expect to earn on average 20% more than a female graduate'. If a woman is taking the same degree and sitting the same exams as men do then why is it fair that Men get paid 20% more for doing the same job. The main problem that these women faced in Dagenham in the 60's was that FORD were threatening to shut down their factories and produce cars in different countries if they had to pay women the same amount as men. However as ELLE has discovered women wages could increase by about 50% by eliminating gender discrimination in relation to pay and occupation would actually boost our economy by 5%. So what I don't understand is why our government does not enforce it more and why there is still this divide between men and women. Men and Women SHOULD get paid the same amount for doing exactly the SAME job, it is as simple as that. So I urge you to take a look at this website ( and see if what you get is the same as men.

Thursday 14 January 2016

The Future of Fashion

So I was in my last lesson of the day on Monday. I had just endured an hour of PE and at my age, in college I think is an outrage. I exercise don't get me wrong but in my own way and in my own time, nobody likes PE if you do then thats a bit weird I'm not going to lie to you. Anyway getting back to it I'd just walked into my last lesson of the day which was Media, a subject that I normally love but to put it bluntly I really could not be bothered with coursework. Instead I ended up exploring the Vogue website one of my regular habbits and I stumbled across Vogue Video and it occurred to me why have I never watched the Vogue youtube channel before when I'm obsessed with the magazine. Stupid, I know.

SO finally getting it to now, I found a series
called 'The Future Of Fashion' with my style icon Alexa Chung. She has won British Style Icon for three years in a row now! If I could have anyones wardrobe it would 100% be hers. What I love about her is she is so honest, she knows she doesn't want to break her bank for clothes just yet (I'm totally with her on that) but she still manages to look amazing! This series looks at all the different areas of fashion and shows exclusive interviews from creative director's, designers, buyers and film directors.

This was perfect for me because I love fashion and it is my dream to work in the industry so to view all these different aspects of it really
helped me decide what area I want to go in to. I have never been good at drawing I can just about draw your basic stickman and even then I manage to ruin it some how by making its arms longer then its legs! This series showed me different roles in the fashion industry, my favourite being fashion buyer. That would be my dream job, buying clothes for a brand or shop and Alexa revealed even she would love to do that. Well to be fair who wouldn't!

The series is available from British Vogue's youtube channel, there are six, ten minute episodes in this series and exciting news Alexa is filming another series! If I was you I would subscribe to Vogue's channel right now so you don't find it months later like I did!

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Dress to Impress

I love fashion its something I am passionate about, I like the way it allows you to be who you want to be. To make a statement to the people around you without even having to open your mouth. People say don't dress for the job you have dress for the job you want which is a quote I follow and I wish that others follow too, unless you want to be a police officer then please don't because you may get in trouble for walking round as a police man. I want to work for a fashion magazine when I'm older I love writing and I love fashion so why not do both for a living? I know it is ambitious and I know that it is a hard industry to get into but it is what I want to do and I will do anything to get there. I think we all know where my inspiration has come from, if you don't then scroll down a few pages and you'll soon discover why? Its from The Devil Wears Prada by the way, just incase you haven't caught on yet! In my college we have a dress code which I like because even though I have a uniform I can tweak it and make it into my own, so win win for me! Except for this one lesson I had a few weeks back. It was with the head of my college, history, so you can imagine my mood as I walked into the lesson. When my teacher told me off for breaking the dress code because what I was wearing was not suitable for school.

This Dress isn't the exact one I wore but it is very similar and I was told it was inappropriate. Now if I am wrong then please tell me and I will happily take back what I have said. Because my shoulders was showing I was told to not wear the dress again. In an all girls school I did not understand why it was wrong to wear this dress, with my shoulders out. It was a plain black tailored dress which is exactly what they wanted me to wear.

I believe that it is important that people feel able to express themselves in which ever way they feel comfortable. If I want to dress with the highest fashion trends and wear my gorgeous new River Island over the knee boots (which I am in love with, incase you hadn't guessed) then I should be allowed too. My college is all about inspiring us to do what we want to do, if I want to be a fashion writer then I should be allowed to dress how I want because it is something that I feel passionate about, just like they let others do with their interests.

Paris Attacks

Its been all over the news and is something that everybody is talking about. What got me most about these attacks is a husband who lost his wife in the attack at the Bataclan. On a post he put on Facebook he explains how ' On Friday evening you stole the life of an exceptional person, the love of my life, the mother of my son, but you will not have my hatred'. This really touched me to see this man who must of being going through a pain that is unimaginable to me but he still refuses to give these people what they want. Many peoples reactions on social media were the same and retaliated, which is exactly what these people want. However this man didn't and he refused to give in to them which I think shows what an incredible man he is to be able to do that.

He goes on to explain how him and his son will continue with their lives and will not live in fear of them because that is exactly what they want and he will refuse to give them it. 'Then we are going to play like every other day and all his life this little boy will be happy and free. Because you will never have his hatred either' the man goes on to talk about his son and how although they have taken his mother, he will not hate them because that means that they have won.

How a man who has just lost his wife has the strength to do something like this I do no know, I certainly could never do it. The bravery that this man has to say that he will not hate them is amazing to me. Everything he says is true and we should not give into what these people want, they will not take our freedom away from us. What happens next? We don't get to go up to London at Christmas time out of fear that something may happen. If we all lived our lives in fear then we are letting these people win and we can not allow this to happen. Don't give them what they want, that only fuels their cause.

This mans tribute to his wife is heart breaking and my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family and all of those who lost someone in the Paris Attacks.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

'We Should All Be Feminists'

I am a feminist, I think we all know that by now! Its something I feel passionate about and something that drives me. A lot of people think that feminism is something to be afraid of and is a negative thing, but I think it is very miss understood. I recently read a book called 'We Should All Be Feminists' by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie it is a modified version of a speech she gave on feminism and without sounding to cliche it really inspired me. She describes her upbringing and how someone very close to her called her a feminist but used in it a negative way as if it was a dirty word.

When I asked my boyfriend are you a feminist he replied with "I don't know what it is, but I know you are". Maybe I have gone on a little bit too much about feminism but its something I'm passionate about. The discussion came up in my tutor group, bearing in mind I go to an all girls sixth form (yes its very bitchy) and I was shocked at the amount of girls who hated the idea of Feminism, I know that sounds sexist expecting girls to be a feminist, but being a feminism doesn't mean you are outspoke or rude. It means that you believe in equality and that women should be allowed to do whatever they want and be able to do the same as men. If you haven't read this book you really should and even if you don't like reading its only 48 pages so its really not that difficult!

If you haven't seen Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie speak before then you really should!