I love fashion its something I am passionate about, I like the way it allows you to be who you want to be. To make a statement to the people around you without even having to open your mouth. People say don't dress for the job you have dress for the job you want which is a quote I follow and I wish that others follow too, unless you want to be a police officer then please don't because you may get in trouble for walking round as a police man. I want to work for a fashion magazine when I'm older I love writing and I love fashion so why not do both for a living? I know it is ambitious and I know that it is a hard industry to get into but it is what I want to do and I will do anything to get there. I think we all know where my inspiration has come from, if you don't then scroll down a few pages and you'll soon discover why? Its from The Devil Wears Prada by the way, just incase you haven't caught on yet! In my college we have a dress code which I like because even though I have a uniform I can tweak it and make it into my own, so win win for me! Except for this one lesson I had a few weeks back. It was with the head of my college, history, so you can imagine my mood as I walked into the lesson. When my teacher told me off for breaking the dress code because what I was wearing was not suitable for school.

This Dress isn't the exact one I wore but it is very similar and I was told it was inappropriate. Now if I am wrong then please tell me and I will happily take back what I have said. Because my shoulders was showing I was told to not wear the dress again. In an all girls school I did not understand why it was wrong to wear this dress, with my shoulders out. It was a plain black tailored dress which is exactly what they wanted me to wear.
I believe that it is important that people feel able to express themselves in which ever way they feel comfortable. If I want to dress with the highest fashion trends and wear my gorgeous new River Island over the knee boots (which I am in love with, incase you hadn't guessed) then I should be allowed too. My college is all about inspiring us to do what we want to do, if I want to be a fashion writer then I should be allowed to dress how I want because it is something that I feel passionate about, just like they let others do with their interests.
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